4th and 5th Step Information
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I believe that the 4th and 5th Step from Alcoholics Anonymous are two of the most vital steps to progress. Without these, in my opinion, nothing changes.
All I can tell you is that the most frustrating part about living in my head has to do with all the garbage I carry around from the past and its power to still control and run my life. Decisions propelled by past experience and fear have inevitably caused me and other harm in my life and led to self-destruction. I personally can't take that anymore and feel that these are the steps to my freedom.

  Online 4th step I found this online 4th step program that you don't feel like writing it out. Kind of cool.

Click on the picture to the left and it will take you to the download page. Enjoy

  Sober Giggles

New Website I found focusing towards SPONSORSHIP.  It IS all about the 12 steps and the Big Book.  Not Endorsed by World Service.  I know some people are funny about that. Luckily not many of them visit my website. 

  4th Step tips by Mike in NJ This is an absolutely wonderful tool. Thanks to Mike in NJ whoever you are.

This paper is great and has lots of information broken down by the Big Book Chapter on Step 4.

Currently I am doing a 4th Step Inventory on Relationships so I can dump the old garbage once and for all. I met someone recently and all this crap got in the way and fear ran rampant. Not sure if he'll ever speak to me again but I know this is long over due. Mikes area addressing this issue is very helpful.

WebGoddess - Synamingirl